Transformed By Grace

Transformed by Grace

When I was young, I can remember pondering the thought, “What hope do I have?” I came out of a broken home; my parents had separated before I was even one year old. Several years later, my mother met and married my stepfather. In many ways, I thought this was an awful curse. Truly he was and is a great guy, but I was a preteen and unable to see that at the time. However, it was because of my stepfather that I learned about Jesus Christ and what it meant to have a relationship with Him. At the age of twelve, I received Jesus Christ as my Savior and my life was forever changed. That day I understood that my hope was in Jesus.  I also learned how Jesus had changed the lives of so many others.
Augustine was one of the greatest theologians of all time. He was a wild, intemperate, immoral youth. In spite of his mother’s pleadings and prayers, he grew worse instead of better. But, one day he had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ that transformed his life. His restlessness and the practice of sin disappeared. He became one of the greatest saints of all time.
John Newton was a slave trader on the west coast of Africa. One day, in a storm at sea, he met Jesus Christ. He went back to England and became an Anglican clergyman. He wrote scores of hymns, one of which has become the modern popular song, “Amazing Grace”. This is what Christ can do for anyone who puts their trust in Him. Just remember, what Jesus has done for others He can do for you!
Pastor Dale Hendricks
Shady Grove Baptist Church

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